Monday, August 31, 2009


I'm not sure what, if anything, I'm doing with my blog. My updating has severely fallen off this summer; I suppose I need the structure of NaBloPoMo to actually write something on a daily basis. Without it I write less and less, but with it, I am stressed for absolutely no good reason. I look at the blog from time to time and think, I can write something quick, but I'm too lazy to even be sitting at the computer (which I do incessantly) writing; just clicking on Facebook stuff is enough for me.

What is it about Facebook that, if I manage to tear myself away from it to go and do something constructive, I have to take a break after a half hour and check it again? I sit and wrack my brains, which must be slowly turning to mush, for people's names from my past that I can look up on Facebook. I said to my father in law the other day, a new Facebook convert (who already understands its time-sucking ability), that probably 2/3 of my Facebook friends are people whom I don't really associate with, don't comment on, or I skip their updates (I haven't gone as far as blocking anyone, but I have dropped one "friend"). So with most of these people, we became friends, said hello in a brief message, and that was it. Why? Is it just me? I would consider dumping these folks as friends, but then I wouldn't want to offend anyone, which is even more ludicrous when you think about it. Don't get me wrong, it is a great tool for getting people together and keeping them informed of what you're doing, down to the most annoying details. But when you finally find that kid that moved away in first grade, and feel the triumph of having solved a mystery of some sort, what happens after that? Usually nothing. You may have had many things in common when you were 8, but probably not much 30 years later.

Wow, what a tangent. I'm neglecting many things I want to, and should, do. I'm running out of time and excuses to justify sitting in front of the computer when I get home from work. I always told myself that I wouldn't be on the internets when Sarah was at home, but that's happening a lot now, and I feel the worst about that. I think I could use a support group for this. I'll have to look on the internet for one. :/


  1. There's probably a Facebook group for Facebook Addicts you could join, though I guess it wouldn't be Facebookers "Anonymous." ;)

    Anyway, I totally agree with you. You should have a kid, that would really cut into your internet time. ;)

  2. Sometimes, though, you can reconnect with someone on FB and actually build a better friendship than you had the first time you knew each other :) So it's all good!!!
