Saturday, February 28, 2009

NaBloPoMo Part 2

I'm already falling behind here, I see. Take heart, blog cabin fans! I have signed up for NaBloPoMo (that is a pain to type) for March. The theme for the month is giving (up). That's how they wrote it out on the site. I'm going to try to post something everyday, but I don't think I'll be on topic everyday. I am going to try and put give/giving and all its iterations in the title if I can, probably in the form of song lyrics, and then tie that to the actual post. Because I'm clever! Oh yes. I have some topics already planned, I just need to write them down somewhere so I don't forget what they are.

So you can look forward to this or not, but I'm pretty excited about it. I think it will go well, all I have to do is budget my time a lot better than I have. I think I am finally breaking out of the winter doldrums, so it should be easier. And I would like to try and stop ending my blogs with an emoticon. :P


Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I wrote a blog post yesterday that I thought was pretty good, but when I finished it up, I thought that maybe I shouldn't post it. It had to do with my work, and I link to here from my Facebook page, which has my work info on there, and I have co-workers on Facebook. I was going to keep my work anonymous in future posts, but it's too easy to find connections on the web. Not that I'm laboring under the assumption that my blog has eleventy million readers, of course. But I think I made the right decision, even if it was hard to do.

So instead, I will tell you that I joined the National Blog Posting Month site. I mentioned it before; you sign up, and they have a monthly theme, and you submit your blog at the beginning of the month. You don't have to adhere to the theme, but you HAVE to post everyday. They give out prizes in November, which is the actual National Blog Posting Month. I am going to try to do this in March, so you can expect lots of blatherings from me then. Goody!

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Red Pill or the Blue Pill?

We moved to DE in 1998, and that's when I started working at Sam's Club (which is the 9th circle of hell, but I digress). I had to put away the stock at Sam's, and it was a lot of stock every week, which I hadn't really done at my other baking jobs. My wife introduced me to Aleve, which worked wonders for me back then. It got so I would take it before I went to work on stock day. Mind you, before work in 1998 was 2 to 2.30 am, I pretty much rolled out of bed and went to work. So one stock day I looked for the little blue pills that made me feel so good after putting all that crap away. I took 3 instead of my usual 2, because it was getting close to Thanksgiving, so there was lots to put away (I'm a baker by the way, if I haven't mentioned that yet, and more about that later).

Around 7 am that morning, I started to get extremely tired. I could not keep my eyes open, and I actually fell asleep sitting in a chair on my break. I carefully drove home and took a very long nap.

That evening, I was telling my wife what happened at work. She knew it was stock day and that I had taken Aleve, but for some reason she asked me to show her the bottle. She worked at Wal-Mart, and we had started buying the Wal-Mart brands of all the medicines that we took, because they were a lot cheaper, and we were not making a lot of money at the time. All of these bottles look the same. You see where I'm going with this, right? I mistakenly took the PM Pain Reliever, which is in a small bottle and is also a blue pill, just like the Wal-Mart brand of Aleve. Sarah laughed at me for a good long time, and she put a Z on the cap of the PM Pain Reliever. She still does that to this day, even though I don't take Aleve anymore. But I try not to take the PM Pain Reliever any more, because it scares the heck out of me.

This story seemed a lot better in my head. Oh well, I told it because I plan on taking some of the PM stuff tonight, because I haven't been sleeping well lately. That is because I am fat and lazy and have sleep apnea (which would lessen if I wasn't fat and lazy) and I don't go to bed when I should, especially when Sarah isn't home, which she isn't tonight. So it should go pretty well. :P

Sunday, February 22, 2009

What to do?

I was telling my wife Sarah that I had started another blog. Every so often, I will say that I would like to write more, and she always encourages me, but I never do. I believe that I have finally gotten past my way of thinking about blogs, which is that they are not serious writing. I have forgotten something I've seen in many books and articles I've read about getting started in writing, which is write a lot, and write often. What could be more perfect for that than a blog?

I was telling Sarah that I thought that I wouldn't be able to think of things to write about, or to keep it up. She told me that there is plenty of things to write about, and I mulled it over and discovered she was right. There are so many things I would like to share here that I don't know really where to start. I'll figure it out eventually. I will probably have some posts that are off the cuff, like this one, and some that are planned out and profusely edited (I tend to edit as I go, which gets discouraging sometimes, but I don't know any other way). I should learn how to type properly as well.

My friend Monica was telling me about National Blog Posting Month, which she is involved with. They have themes for the entire month, and you could win a prize! The catch is that you have to blog everyday. I am certainly willing to try that, although I probably shouldn't plan for that when we go on vacation or away for the weekend, as we don't have a laptop. We cram enough stuff into our vacations that finding a place to blog would be hard. But not impossible, I suppose they still have those internet cafes where you can pay by the hour.

I have started blogs before, this is probably my 5th one. I hope to keep it up better than I did my previous ones, I think I was just limiting myself too much. We'll see how it goes, and I hope you enjoy it, if anyone continues (or starts) reading this. :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I just wanted to say that you know you have to work early when you get up 1 hour late, but are still at work by 2:45 am. More on that later. How much later is up in the air.

Friday, February 20, 2009

So hiya.

Here I am, making yet another blog that I probably will end up ignoring, this is the 4th or 5th one. Anyway, I will regale you with tales of my work, which is kind of slow right now, and possibly my grandfather. I have wanted to write about him for some time, but I never have. It's been in my head for years. Plus, I can't type, so there's that. I use the 2 finger search and destroy method, but I can go fast enough.

Today at work I got a call from a survey company, who wanted to ask me about my supplier (Lentz Milling). The woman said it would take 10 minutes, so I said okay. We switched over to Lentz 2 years ago, after Sarah (my wife) and I went to the bakery convention in Atlantic City. Sarah liked the fruit fillings from Lentz better than the ones we were using, so I eventually asked my managers to look into it. It turned out that Lentz was cheaper across the board, so we switched over to them, and I'm really happy with them. The point was this: the lady doing the survey typed about as fast as I do, so the phone call took almost a half hour. You would think that you would have some kind of typing requirements for a job like that. I only agreed to do the survey because 1) she said it would only take 10 minutes; 2) I didn't have anything in the oven at the time, and nothing ready to go in; and 3) I wanted to give good feedback to Lentz, who commissioned the survey. I guess this was not technically a rant, since I did get paid for it.

This is the sort of fun that you can expect from my blog, just so you know. :)