Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My cat can't write, he has no thumbs.

I was inspired my Monica's post about her terrible problem with Rite Aid to write about something ridiculous that happened to me there. It's not anywhere near as bad as Monica's experience though.

This is Bruiser. He was our cat for many years. More importantly, he was our first cat. We moved him from NJ to DE and he became very sickly once he got here. He was in an oxygen chamber twice and was diabetic. Anyway, at one point we had to get him a prescription at a regular pharmacy, so we chose Rite Aid, because it was on the way home from the vet. So the vet wrote out the prescription to Bruiser The Cat Ferguson. I brought it up to the pharmacy area and waited my 15 minutes. When they called Bruiser's name, I went to pick it up. Only the lady wouldn't give it to me, because she said that Bruiser had to sign for it. I told her that Bruiser was a cat, and showed her on the scrip. She said again that Bruiser had to sign for it. This sounds like I am joking, but sadly I am not. This went on for a few more minutes and I was absolutely furious. I was about to go and get Bruiser out of the car (he was fine in the car, thank you for your concern) and bring him inside, when I guess the pharmacist who filled the scrip heard what was going on and came over to tell the lady that Bruiser was a cat. I guess I, being said cat's owner, wasn't qualified enough to know if Bruiser was a cat or not. We stopped going to Rite Aid after that. :P

1 comment:

  1. OMG I am laughing so hard right now I have tears rolling down my face!!

    If my Rite Aid didnt just become one (twas an Ekhards till recently) I would be sure that we were at the same one! :)
