I am really enjoying this now. I look forward to coming here and writing when I get home from work. I come here first before I even go to Facebook, which is sacrilege for me.
I'm still having trouble with revising. I can let the spelling go till the end, but I still seem to revise grammar as I go. I should do this in Word first and check my grammar there. Maybe that's why I revise as I go, I see those green lines under phrases and I want to fix them right away.
I have read Stephen King's On Writing a few times, and I'm trying to take some stuff that he said to heart. There's a textbook that he refers to that says "omit unnecessary words." Is it by Strunk? I forget. But I really try and do this. That's also where I got my hatred for adverbs, but I have a hard time curtailing those. I think King said that some writers "never met an adverb they didn't like."
I was a little concerned about the length of some of my posts at first. But no one needs to read them if they don't want to, that's fine. I am writing them for myself, and Sarah too. I know she will read them because she's the one that encourages me to write them. So if anyone is still reading this (I can't figure out Site Meter or whatever it's called, I always get 0 in every column, even when I get comments), I hope you're enjoying it. It's pretty personal stuff, but I think it's relatable. If you have given up already, thanks for trying. I'm having fun and that's what is important for me.
Having said that, it's a short one today. I went to work early and got home late, and we are watching the kids tonight. Nap time is necessary. See you tomorrow!
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