You can see the picture whenever I open my wallet. I have to replace it every so often because of the fact that I am a big sweaty guy (especially at work in the summer), and I get a lot of flour in my wallet, which does weird things to the picture. I am looking at the version in my wallet right now; it kind of looks like the whole cotton around the photo lens effect (fade?), and it looks like there is a shower of rice on the right, which I suppose is appropriate (we had bubbles at our wedding, before it was hip, and then not hip, so there). I think this is my favorite picture of Sarah, because she is beautiful (all the time, not just in this pic), but mostly because of the expression on her face, and the way her head is tilted. This may be a little too much for you, but she has a Mona Lisa smile going, in my opinion. I have another picture of her taken years later with the same smile on her face. Her sister has one of her taken years before in a mirror image of this pose, but she is in a field of tall grass. It used to be hanging in her sister's house, but it isn't anymore, I don't know what happened to it. I always wanted to crawl into that picture with her and lie in that tall grass.
The point of this is that I get many comments on this picture when I am checking out in stores, and they have all been from women. One woman asked if the picture was of my wife, and I said yes. She said I was a very lucky man. I agreed with her of course, but it seemed weird that she would say that when she didn't know Sarah at all. What if she was an axe murderer or something? She's not, actually. But it made me feel good anyway.
I was at work and one of the older ladies was my cashier. She saw the picture and said how beautiful Sarah was, and called over all the other cashiers to look at the picture. Today, the cashier at the supermarket asked, "Who is THAT?!" I told her it was my wife, and she said, "Wow." Many times when I get compliments like this one about Sarah's picture, I think they are wondering how the hell this big fat sweaty guy standing before them was able to marry this beautiful woman. That's okay, let them wonder. I'm awesome. :)
The weirdest experience with the picture was at Petsmart. A young girl, either late teens or early twenties, was waiting on me. When I opened my wallet, she actually exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, is that your WIFE?" Then she actually started to get FLUSTERED, and started babbling about Sarah being an "angel from heaven" and me being the "luckiest guy ever!" It was VERY uncomfortable.
But Sarah is MY angel from heaven, and I AM the luckiest guy ever to be with her. <3
This is why I married you. Because you are the sweetest and best person I have ever known. You make me want to be better than I am. And I may look cute in a picture from 15 years ago but I am the lucky one. That you married me!