Saturday, November 6, 2010


Yesterday at work I got my yearly review. Like I mentioned earlier, I am a dedicated worker there and they appreciate it and treat me accordingly. The one thing my boss said was to cut down on my overtime. This is the busiest time of the year for me, but the overtime I had on my previous check was probably the most I've ever had there.

Up until last week, we were doing two weekly specials, just about every week. We would pick something, cut the price, and make a lot of it everyday and sell as much as we could. The original hope for this was to get people interested in buying the product at the regular price after the special was over, which didn't really work out like that, save for maybe 2 or 3 items. It did involve copious amounts of time spent making one item though, which is why I had all of that overtime. My co-worker that usually helps me out with the specials was off for a week and a half, so I was doing it all myself. I didn't realize I had that much overtime until I got my check, but I didn't actually get reprimanded for it, my boss just mentioned it at the time. But obviously she was concerned about it since she brought it up. Plus, I actually realized that something at work was too much for me and did something about it. I told them that we had to stop the specials until January because it was too much to handle right now. If this was 2 or 3 years ago I would have kept on doing them, but I think I have finally realized what my limitations are. I probably haven't, but it sounded good, right?

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