Thursday, November 11, 2010


I make sourdough bread at work. Usually the mix I make gives me 6 loaves, and I make mostly round ones and a long one sometimes. 6 loaves is not a lot, really, but they have been selling out everyday. So I started to make a mix and a half, which, if you do your math correctly, gives you 23 loaves. I mean 9 loaves, sorry. Now those have been selling out too. All the bread has been selling really well in the past few weeks. I don't know if it's just the fact that it's colder (our business picks up a lot when it gets cold), or more people like my bread. I have been getting a lot of compliments on it lately, which is really great.

Maybe it could be the sourdough starter I use. I first started making sourdough bread at work in 2002, and I made a starter from scratch. I am still using that starter today. Before you say eww gross, I feed it almost everyday, which means I make a new batch of starter and mix it in with the old. Plus I use milk instead of water, so it gets even more sour. And I throw a little cider vinegar in there too. A lot of people hate the smell when I open the bucket, but I love it. Sometimes it smells like apples for some reason.

I have not tried actual sourdough bread from San Francisco, which I think is where sourdough originated. There is a lot of yeast in the air in that area, and they don't even put yeast in the starter there, from what I have read. I think that's pretty awesome, and eating a loaf of authentic San Francisco sourdough bread is on my bucket list. Wow, I used bucket twice in this blog. Seems like a good ending point.

No, today is Veteran's Day. Instead of using this day to go shopping for something cheap that you don't really need (yes, I see the irony that the first part of this post was about shopping), say thank you to a veteran for putting their life on the line so we can have the freedom to make stupid blogs like this. Thank you Kevin!

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